Sunday, May 10, 2015

Jupiter Ascending full hd movie (2015)

A young woman discovers her destiny as an heiress of intergalactic nobility and must fight to protect the inhabitants of Earth from an ancient and destructive industry.

Directors:Andy Wachowski (as The Wachowskis) , Lana Wachowski (as The Wachowskis) 

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Jupiter Jones was born under a night sky, with signs predicting that she was destined for great things. Now grown, Jupiter dreams of the stars but wakes up to the cold reality of a job cleaning other people's houses and an endless run of bad breaks. Only when Caine Wise, a genetically engineered ex-military hunter, arrives on Earth to track her down does Jupiter begin to glimpse the fate that has been waiting for her all along - her genetic signature marks her as next in line for an extraordinary inheritance that could alter the balance of the cosmos

User Reviews

 So..yes, this isn't the best sci-fi movie in existence, but I don't think it's half as bad as everyone is saying. Let's start by the visuals. The visuals are AMAZING and are what makes this movie worth seeing on the big screen. The universe the brothers created is huge,which gives room for a lot of breath-taking scenes. This however, is one of the drawbacks of the film. The fact that the universe is so big and that it is a 2 hour film, makes the story a little sloppy. There are a lot of things left unexplained which is a pity,and too much time filled with love scenes. Moreover,the characters are either good or bad, there's not much depth to them. Despite all this, the movie is good, I decided on 7 instead of 6.5 mainly because of the visuals. You need to consider this movie as a sci-fi flick, taking into account that you don't see many original sci-fi movies around,and that the plot isn't that bad,it's just not mind blowing, I'd encourage you to see it for yourself, grab some popcorn and enjoy the movie for what it is.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ice Age: full movie

Set during the Ice Age, a sabertooth tiger, a sloth, and a wooly mammoth find a lost human infant, and they try to return him to his tribe.


Back when the Earth was being overrun by glaciers, and animals were scurrying to save themselves from the upcoming Ice Age, a sloth named Sid, a woolly mammoth named Manny, and a saber-toothed tiger named Diego are forced to become unlikely heroes. The three reluctantly come together when they have to return a human child to its father while braving the deadly elements of the 
impending Ice Age.

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User Reviews          
I first saw Ice Age in the Subiaco Cinemas when it came out, back in '02. I was only 13 at the time, but even then I liked it. It had some sort of warmth.

We've had it on video for a number of years now and no matter how many times you watch it, it never gets boring. This is because of the one element which makes it different from all of the other 3D animations made at the time - The characters have no particular 'home' which they leave. They are nomads, and that's really refreshing and uplifting to watch.

Also, each individual character on the surface, appear to be just putting up with each other, but they're really all good friends. As well, all of the characters have their own charms (even the bad guys). Sid the sloth is charming in his annoying, over-affectionate and naive sort of way. Manny is adorable in his depressed, reclusive character, and so on and so forth.

Another great point about the movie is the beauty of the animation. All the environments and characters were modeled originally by clay, giving the film an artistic edge.

Another aspect that adds to the feel of the movie, is that gender means very little. There are hardly any female characters, but you don't really realize that until after you watch it a few times and even then it has little effect on the way you view the film. Due to this, there's also no mention of a nuclear family which would really be pathetic in a setting like the ice age.

All in all, Ice Age is a great movie and is proof on how much effort was put into 3d animations before Shrek 2 and The Incredibles came out.